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Rancière Jacques

Jacques Rancière : Politique de la fiction (Février 2018)

Jacques Rancière. In what time do we live ? 06/01/2011 Length : 0:01:24

Trailer of inaugural lecture by Jacques Rancière opening ’The State of Things’ lecture series commissioned by the Office for Contemporary Art Norway. Instituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Venice. June 1 2011

Jacques Rancière, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, Slavoj Zizek. Marx Reloaded 04/11/2011 Length : 0:56:28

Cultural documentary that examines the relevance of German socialist and philosopher Karl Marx’s ideas for understanding the global economic and financial crisis of 2008—09. Interviews include : Norbert Bolz, Micha Brumlik, John Gray, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, Nina Power, Jacques Rancière, Peter Sloterdijk, Alberto Toscano, Slavoj Zizek.

Jacques Rancière. What Does Democracy Mean Today 01/26/2011 Length : 1:11:42

Jacques Ranciere in a lecture entitled "What does Democracy mean today". Panteion University, Athen, Greece. January 26, 2011.

Jacques Rancière. Film Fables 09/22/2010 Length : 0:07:33

A cinematic introduction by Jacques Rancière for the film programme ’Cinema Tells its Truth’ dedicated to his book Film Fables at Smart Project Space, Amsterdam.

Jacques Rancière. Communists without Communism 01/25/2010 Length : 0:28:51

Rancière problematizes the notion of revolution, particularity the notion of the exception of the revolutionary moment. Ranciere asserts that there are no revolutionaries except during a revolution. (In French, no subtitles).

Jacques Ranciere. Negation and Cinematic Vertigo 08/21/2009 Length : 1:49:05

Ranciere on the relation between cinema, movement and truth, or more precisely between the cinematographic deployment of appearances and classical narrative logic. Examining several films, especially Hitchcock’s Vertigo as a paragonistic example of the medium, Ranciere works through the shifting play between truth and Aristotelian plot.

Jacques Rancière. Nights of Labor 02/06/2009 Length : 0:52:04

Ranciere interrogates the notion of the ’end’ of historical periods, and the use of the prefix ’post-’, in an attempt to determine the pseudo-leftist movements which have emerged since the 1960s.

Jacques Rancière. The Reality Effect 2009 Length : 0:04:58

French philosopher and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy Jacques Rancière speaking about The Reality Effect and the Politics of Fiction at ICI Berlin. 2009

Jacques Rancière. The Misadventures of Critical Thinking 03/07/2008 Length : 0:09:43

Ranciere explores collage as an aesthetic strategy for the future of critical thinking now that criticism itself is in crisis.

Jacques Rancière. What Makes Images Unacceptable 02/29/2008 Length : 0:10:20

Ranciere illuminates his concept of dissensensus where art and politics may begin. In an excerpt of a talk about the tension between the image, the fiction and the real. What kind of community are we framing with one or another sequence of images ?

Jacques Rancière. The Emancipated Spectator 08/20/2004 Length : 0:59:47

Ranciere starts with a reconsideration of his book "The Ignorant Schoolmaster" relating this to issues of spectatorship in the arts, in particular theater. Later he suggests that theater remains the name of the community as a living body, against representation, a set of living gestures and attitudes which stand before any form of politics.